Wednesday, October 28, 2009


THE other day I finally worked up the courage to try a pretty strange looking fruit which Japanese people seem to love. They're in season right now so their price is (relatively) cheap.

Persimmons come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from egg shapes (popular in China) to a flat tomato-ish shape (popular in Japan).

I've tried Persimmon in two different conditions, just under-ripe and very ripe.

When it was under-ripe the taste and texture was very close to that of a peach or apricot.
But the real flavour of this fruit is revealed when it's ripe, it tastes and the inside texture feel like a very ripe mango! Pretty interesting fruit, two different textures and flavours which are both good but would not normally be thought of as similar.


  1. We've had some persimmons a few times here in St Laurent, South America! They are very good. Unfortunately none ever had seeds, so we couldn't plant any trees. Do the persimmons in Japan have seeds?

  2. I haven't seen any yet, but I'm sure I can look around and find some.
