Thursday, May 6, 2010


Today we woke up early, had breakfast and went to see many temples and shrines, Ninna-ji, Ryoanji, Shimogamo, Kamigamo and Kinkakuji. We bought day bus passes for 500yen each, a really good price. The most interesting was Kinkakuji, the golden temple. It was very nice, the temple has squares of gold leaf everywhere. A guide said each leaf is 2 inches by 2 inches and is worth 37$. He said the temple is covered with more than 200.000 of them! The most beautiful was Ryoanji, it has the world famous stone garden. We sat and looked at it for a while and enjoyed the gorgeous gardens and pond.
We walked a bit today, we did a good 4km trek between the temples. Got a bit of sunburn too.
However this morning I had a bad surprise, I had done a load of clothes washing in Osaka. Most were dry except my socks, so I rolled all those into a plastic bag and packed them, or so I thought... I discovered that I somehow didn't pack them! Now I only have two pairs of socks left... I'm going to have to go buy some! Some person right now is looking at a plastic bag with a dozen pairs of humid clean socks... And I'm going to be washing the same two pairs of socks and drying them everyday of this trip...

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