Monday, May 10, 2010


We went to see many more temples for the next couple of days, we saw the geisha street and I got a couple of pictures of them! Then we went to show where we saw traditional tea ceremony, dancing, plays and flower arranging. We saw a very famous temple with a bridge and to my great delight there were geisha doing a photo shoot. So of course I grabbed the opportunity to take some more pictures. The most interesting shrine was the 1000 tori gate temple. We didn't climb up the whole mountain but we did do a small tour. We got a lot of good pictures and saw quite a few friendly temple cats (I will update with full information later). The last day we went to the shrine near our house. It was beautiful, it was the largest I've seen. There were many buildings connected and at the front we got to feed lots of nearly tame pigeons who would fly up into your hands to eat from your palm of even eat right from your fingers. It was lots of fun! Then we saw it's sister shrine down the road. We then went back to the hotel, grabbed our bags and took the Shinkansen home.

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