Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sounds, noises and music

JAPAN has many things similar to other places I've been but the most different thing is how quiet everyone and everything is. No one talks in the streets or on the bus or train. The only sounds are city sounds. The only place that's noisy really are the casinos, arcades and, somewhere way down the line, government offices.
All noises, alarms, bells, warning sounds are all musical chimes (everything: washing machines, dump trucks, garbage collection, vending machines, etc...) nothing makes loud scary "beep" noises. In most countries a van with a melody coming from it would mean the ice cream guy, here it means the guy who picks up the recycling is coming.
Every train station has a distinct musical melody which is played when a train is coming into the station. If you were to close your eyes you could recognize each station because of the music. That's no mean feat since the train system has hundreds of stations.


  1. What a nice way to describe city travel! It makes me want to come and visit - you know how I hate loud noises. At least, after a hard day's work, one can travel home and listen to the musical tones of each station; maybe relax?

  2. Many of the musical tones are kinda catchy. Makes you want to have them as your cellphone ringer or something.
