Sunday, August 9, 2009


HOT on the heels of the earthquake seems to be a large Tropical Storm or Typhoon. This morning I woke up to an announcement at 6:30 am, on some sort of public speaker system outside, warning of a Typhoon. The rain has been torrential and there was some lightning. I expect it'll ease up during the day though.

Checking out the weather it looks like this morning was just a small preview. The Typhoon is going to hit hard tonight and tomorrow. Yokosuka is not far from Yokohama.

Well I'm going to run to get some food for the day before I can't go anywhere! :)

Japan travel advisory: Typhoon to hit Tokyo and central Japan, August 10th-11th

Typhoon #9 (Tropical Storm Etau) is expected to hit the southern coast of central Japan on August 11th (JST), sending heavy rains rain ahead today, August 10th (JST). Heavy rains, strong winds, and high waves are expected throughout central Honshu, as well as eastern Shikoku. People in the area, including Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, and Tokyo, are advised to take care.

August 10th rain, Honshu and Shikoku

Typhoon #9 has sent a thick band of bad weather ahead of itself, currently causing heavy rains throughout central Japan, largely in Kansai (Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe) and Shikoku.

August 11th typhoon, Tokyo and central Japan

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (as of 7:45am, August. 10th JST), the typhoon is expected to hit Japan just south of Osaka sometime around midnight. It will then run east along the coast, passing through Nagoya, Yokohama, and Tokyo before heading back out into the Pacific Ocean.

Tropical Storm Etau is currently traveling at about 9 knots (10 mph), with average wind speeds as strong as 35 knots (40 mph) and wind gusts reaching 50 knots (58mph). It is also expected to slightly increase in strength over the next couple days as it runs along Japan.

Travelers' warning Japan

Travelers and people living in the area are advised to take precaution. Heavy rains may cause rivers to swell, flooding, and landslides. Public transportation, including trains, in the effected areas may be slowed or stopped completely. Outdoor events might be postponed or canceled. Flights may also be delayed or canceled.

For more info:
Japan Meteorological Agency’s information on Typhoon #9 (Tropical Storm Etau)
Satellite imagery of Typhoon #9 (Tropical Storm Etau) from Weather Underground

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